Lawn care & knowledge

Standard Seed Mixtures 2023

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Standard Seed Mixtures (RSM) 2023

The Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V. (FLL) published the current brochure Regel-Saatgut-Mischungen Rasen "RSM Rasen 2023" at the end of January. It serves as a valuable aid to turf professionals and interested garden owners in selecting the right turf mixture. The brochure has been published since 1978 and is revised annually.

What's new?

  • RSM 2.4/ 1/ 7.1.2/ 7.2.2/ 8.1: In these mixtures, if herbaceous seed is not available, the percentages of up to two species may be distributed to other herbaceous species included in the mixture. Separation of legumes and herbs for better clarity.
  • RSM 3.1: Adjust minimum suitability and increase margin for Lolium perenne
  •  RSM 7.3: In case of seed shortage of Poa trivialis, it can be replaced by Agrostis stolonifera
  • General editorial changes in the complete work
  • Updated variety overview of the varieties to be used for the standard seed mixtures, taking into account the latest test results

(Source: German Turfgrass Society;

Where can I get it?

In the online shop of the Landscape Development and Landscaping Research Society (FLL).