• Einjaehriges_Weidelgras_Saatgut.jpg
  • FF_Sack_Qualitaets-Saatgut.png
  • Lolium_multiflorum_ssp._westerwoldicum.jpg

Annual ryegrass

Lolium multiflorum ssp. westerwoldicum


Annual ryegrass belongs to the family of short-term ryegrasses, which form stem shoots already in the same year that they are sowed. Annual ryegrass is cultivated for two uses:

1. as a catch crop cultivation after a cereal harvest

2. for annual arable feed crop production with multiple uses during the year and in mixtures with Italian ryegrass (e.g. MehrGras Futterexpress mixture A2)

Diploid and tetraploid varieties are bred. The annual ryegrass ANDREA is particularly suitable as a so-called nurse grass when establishing new permanent grassland and when overseeding heavily damaged grassland areas.


Bundle: 25 kg

Category: Grasses and legumes